Inspired by a mind blowing dessert created by a Nordic eatery that popped-up in the middle of the Mexican jungle. Pasilla mixe chiles, honey, cocoa nibs, and tangerine peel. It’s wild. Oh yeah baby.

Tasting Notes

Appearance: A black oily pour with a tan head that dissipates slowly.  Nice lacing.

Aroma: Nose is dark roasted malt, coffee, peppers, and light citrus.

Taste: Dark chocolate, roasted malt, and spicy peppers. There’s some citrus notes as the beer warms up. Booze are hidden well.

Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, light carbonation with a dry peppery finish.

Overall: A creative Imperial Stout and a must try for the spicy beer lover.

$4.99 @ Plaza Liquor | 12 oz. Single Can | 12.0% ABV | N/A IBU

Style: Imperial Stout

Malted Grains: N/A

Hops: N/A

Adjuncts: Pasilla Chilies, Honey, Cocoa Nibs, and Tangerine Peel


Rate Beer: 88 Overall/35 Style

Beer Advocate: 3.97/5

Untapped: 3.66/5