Friday, January 22nd
4 p.m. – 7 p.m.

This Friday we will be hosting the now-available-in-Missouri Crane Brewing Co., another great hometown Kansas City beer maker who’s bringing these beers for you to sample from:   

crane brewing beers

  • Farmhouse IPA. Big, bold, juicy American hops join the dry, yeast driven saison flavor to create an aromatic, uninterrupted hop experience.
  • Saison. A farmhouse-style beer brewed to finish dry and refresh. Its flavor has a tasty malt up front. followed by fruity yeast and ends lightly bitter and crisp.
  • Apricot Weiss. Tart and juicy with a defined apricot presence; tangy, pulpy and smooth with wheat and yeast. 
  • Orange Gose. The refreshing taste packs a sour punch with the juicy orange flavor up front like a sour mimosa. Light-bodied with a malty background, a perfect beer to drink year-round.